tamago's emergency exit

Monday, August 14, 2006



7.當你看到這篇文章時,心裏想到某個人 你又想起誰?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Lesson learnt

I finally resigned, removing myself from this cancerous place. And I am very happy. There must be something better waiting for me outside somewhere that made me decide to go now.

It's been an experience. I come out a better person. I haven't lost anything from leaving this job but gained a whole heaps more. I have a better understanding of myself now and know what to avoid in future situations.

Keep my angelic qualities,
but gear up the necessary weapons to defend/protect myself.
Not to have to show off these gears all the time,
but only flash them,
so people are cautious with me,
and not take me for a ride

I believe I have a brighter future.

Meanwhile, all I want is to rest up, prepare myself, and come back alive and kicking.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


What would you do when people misunderstand you? Do you
1. sort things out with whoever involved and get things straight, or
2. let it go?

If you choose option 1., then does it mean that you worry a lot about what other people think of you?

If you choose option 2., does it mean that you secretly admit that others HAVE NOT misunderstood you?

It's freakingly killing me. I know I shouldn't get annoyed by these silly people because I did nothing wrong. I should just let it go and forget all about it. But....it's haunting me, I can't let it out of my mind and I am constantly getting angry whenever I think of the whole incident.


Thursday, August 03, 2006


He called me today!!! Haven't heard from him for nearly a month, I was really surprised to hear from him. He called to say he was in the area where I work and would like to have lunch with me. But unfortunately, I was sick at home with a massive headache, let alone looking horribly drugged.

I asked him if he is free next Tuesday instead. I am rostered to have a day off that day and it would be good if we could catch up for lunch.. But he won't be in town then due to work commitment, so......

No luck there, but I am still happy that he thought of me!