tamago's emergency exit

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Right Decision

After months of mental and physical "torture", I am finally free!! Very happy to have made the decision to leave my job.

Now, I am very relaxed, feel great, happy, and more positive. And after a couple of job interviews (just testing the water!), my self-esteem grew quite a bit.

And of course, my wrist has stopped being sore and my skin has become smoother pretty straight away! hehe.....

I made the mistake of getting too attached with my work mates, and that will never happen again. I thought I should stay with my job because I got along well with all staff and they didn't want me to leave. But a week since I have left now, my best girl hasn't called me once. I've learnt my lesson, and honestly, I am over it. Not upset about it at all.

I made the mistake of feeling too sorry for the boss and didn't realise at the end, its employer-employee relationship. Bosses will forever wanted to pay you the least but expect you to work your butt off.

After all, I am very happy now, and that's what matters.


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